Order form

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Billing address

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Please choose the type of the order

LASAK CadCam framework manufactured using your digital data. LASAK CadCam STL can be ordered only for the LASAK BioniQ and IMPLADENT systems.
LASAK CadCam framework manufactured using a master cast and designed using our Imetric scanner.
The differences between STL and PRECISION can be found here.

Master cast

Please, choose the type of framework



Delivery terms


Examples of standard manufacturing and delivery times for different types of LASAK CadCam milled frameworks. In the listed example, the order is delivered to LASAK on Monday. We accept orders every working day.

The below delivery times are valid provided next-day courier service is used.

Delivery method*:

We will inform you about price for delivery.

Fields marked with * are required

Order summary

will be delivered
IMPORTANT: Please, do not forget to supply us with the master cast, we are not able to process your order without it.

The order was submitted

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