
Scientific Seminar IMPLANTOLOGY 2013 in Prague

The seventeenth annual scientific implantology seminar took place on the 19th of April 2013 at the Clarion hotel in Prague. More than two hundred dentists and dental technicians who work in implantology participated; from the Czech Republic as well as from abroad. The participants were welcomed and the seminar was commenced by the director of the LASAK Company, Jakub Strnad, Ph.D., followed by Prof. Dr. Jiri Mazanek, DSc., as the chairman of the morning lecture sessions....
Events, Press release 19. April 2013

IDS in Cologne

LASAK will take part in the world’s leading trade fair for the dental sector – International Dental Show in Cologne, Germany on 12–16 March 2013. IDS 2013 in Cologne is the world’s leading trade show and sector meeting place for decision-makers from dental practices, dental labs, the specialist dental trade, the dental industry and from research and development. The exhibitors present the latest products and technological process developments for dental medicine and dental technology here. The future orientated exhibition and communications platform provides you with new insights and perspectives....
Events, Press release 13. March 2013

Dentistry Show Birmingham

LASAK will take part in the international dental conference and exhibition The Dentistry Show in Birmingham, UK on 1–2 March 2013. The Dentistry Show 2013 is a world class, two-day, action-packed clinical and business conference and major exhibition for Dental professionals on Friday 1st March and Saturday 2nd March at NEC Birmingham. With over 60 speakers, 6 conference streams and more than 300 exhibitors dedicated to helping dental practices and laboratories, there really is plenty for you to listen to,...
Events, Press release 1. March 2013


17. ročník implantologického semináře Odborný seminář IMPLANTOLOGIE pořádá společnost LASAK již sedmáctý rok. Uskuteční se v pátek 19. dubna 2013 v Clarion Congress Hotelu Prague. Pozvání přijali nejenom přední čeští odborníci, ale také přednášející z Itálie a Holandska. Témata Krátké, kratší, nejkratší – vliv délky implantátu na dlouhodobý výsledek implantace. Stabilita tkání v okolí implantátu. 20 let implantologie v ČR. Dohnali jsme svět, kam míříme dál? V.I.P. rekonstrukce chrupu – případy, kdy na esteticky dokonalém chrupu opravdu záleží....
Events, Press release 18. December 2012