
BioniQ na ICOI South Asia

LASAK ve spolupráci se svým indickým partnerem představil v jižní Asii implantační systém BioniQ®. V rámci odborné implantologické konference ICOI South Asia, která se konala v indickém Hyderabáru, byl představen nový úspěšný systém dentálních implantátů BioniQ®. Na konferenci s více než šesty sty účastníky vystoupil spolu s Prof. MUDr. Antonínem Šimůnkem, CSc., z Lékařské fakulty UK v Hradci Králové také Dr. Christian Berger, prezident BDIZ EDI, a Prof....
Events, Company news, Press release 15. November 2014

LASAK Iberia starts in November

LASAK Iberia, through its partnership with TH Medical, launches its new BioniQ® implant range in the Spanish and Portuguese markets on 1 November 2014. Biomaterials, neurosurgery and traumatology lines will also be available in the Iberian market. The official product presentation will take place on 14 November 2014 in Bilbao at Iberdrola Tower. For further information please contact us at For more information about TH Medical and the product portfolio for Iberian market see
Company news, Press release 29. October 2014

World-class research centre opened

Today, the LASAK company opens a new research centre in Prague’s Hloubětín quarter, the construction of which was supported by European Union funds. Thanks to the project, it will be possible to develop better quality materials for the regeneration of bone tissue and dental implants, which will shorten the treatment time and be markedly cheaper than foreign products. LASAK, which has built the new research centre, is the only Czech manufacturer of ceramic materials for bone tissue replacements,...
Company news, Press release 30. September 2011

New address – Prague-Hloubetin

We are delighted to inform you that our headquarters has moved to our newly-constructed Design and Development Center for Dental Implantology and Bone Regeneration: LASAK Ltd. Českobrodská 1047/46 190 01 Prague 9 – Hloubětín Czech Republic GPS: 50°5´35,631″N, 14°31´33,078″E Our telephone and fax numbers remain the same: Phone: +420 224 315 663, +420 233 324 280 Fax: +420 224 319 716....
Company news, Press release 1. July 2011

Scientific Award 2010

LASAK was awarded the prestigious Czech Scientific Award, “Ceska Hlava 2010” (Czech Brain), in the category Industry Award for Innovation in a Dental Implant System. These innovations included the unique bioactive surface finish and an advanced implant design which enable safer and faster healing of the implant in the bone tissue. Each year, an eleven member jury decides awarding of this highly respected Czech scientific Award. As a result of its long-term, continuous research into biomaterial-body environment interactions,...
Company news, Press release 30. November 2010